When the police try to stop you, whether they are justified or not, the safest thing to do is at least stop and listen. This can be difficult, especially if you know you have a warrant or drugs on you. But running away will only lead to more criminal charges, and in the case of one St. Louis man, it could lead to you being shot. [Read more…]
Missouri Car Thefts Up, Lawmakers to Blame?
Car thefts in St. Louis and Kansas City, MO. are not new problems. But officials say thieves are changing their preferences as thefts involving older cars are on the rise. Some are suggesting a new law may be to blame, actually encouraging thefts of cars more than 10 years old. [Read more…]
St. Louis Cracks Down on Kids, Gangs to Stop Violence
In response to a particularly violent summer, St. Louis officials have cracked down on problem spots, kids, and even clothing in an effort to keep things calm. Now, they are already reporting some success in the battle, boasting a decrease in violent crime in just the last 30 days. [Read more…]
Missouri Racial Profiling Law Needs Changes
Twelve years ago, the state of Missouri began requiring police agencies to collect data on the race of those pulled over and arrested by police. Now a group of people and organizations including the ACLU are demanding lawmakers give the law more teeth and require more than just the submission of data. [Read more…]
“No Violence Alliance” To Focus on KC MO’s Worst Offenders
Kansas City’s worst criminals may want to watch their backs this summer as local police crackdown on those known to bring about the most violence. Mayor Sly James announced a new initiative called the KC No Violence Alliance (KC NoVA) this past week along with Jackson County Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker and Kansas City Police Chief Darryl Forte. [Read more…]